And here we are…the last part of our Body Talking with Robyn Interview segment as part of Robyn Takeover Week on EQ. In this last segment, Robyn talks about American audience reaction to her music, The VMAs, her thoughts on her iconic classic “With Every Heartbeat” and how she has gotten to where she is now.
I just have to say, I really enjoyed this interview with Robyn and hope you have enjoyed Robyn Takeover Week on EQ. I seriously can’t wait for album three to come out this year and it’s truly a joy to see Robyn’s audiences getting bigger and bigger – she just doesn’t stop! Thanks to Robyn and Leanne for making this interview possible and once again, if you don’t own “Body Talk Parts 1 or 2” yet – get it on iTunes!
Revisit all our EQ Robyn Takeover Week content on this link.
EQ: What was it like performing on Letterman recently? When I saw that I thought – wow, Robyn has truly arrived in America.
Robyn: I’ve actually done Letterman before and it’s always great when you get asked to perform there – it’s such an important show. But what was really interesting with doing “Dancing On My Own” this time there is that you never really know how a song is going to do in a country until you actually perform it there. Doing that song there was before the tour and I was nervous because it’s a dance record and I didn’t expect it to “feel good” in that environment – I imagined it being a little awkward like, because dance music is almost considered to be like a “dirty word” in America so I was expecting it not to really resonate there. But when we went on stage and did the song, I could feel this energy from the audience and people really responding which was awesome! Every one working there on the show was like super happy, but also the feedback we got from people watching the show has been amazing. Then going on tour and performing that song was like the highlight of the evening – the crowds just went crazy. I’m doing the song on the VMAs in couple days too…
Wow – that really is a whole new level for you isn’t it?
I know, I guess it’s just nice because it means that people care about what I do. At the same time, I’m not pursuing success in that sense. If it happens, that’s great – I’m not gonna fight it! But the coolest thing about it is that it feels like I’ve been able to get here on my own terms and that’s what really matters.
I still get chills when you perform “With Every Heartbeat” at your latest shows. Do you mind that the song will probably be a trademark song for a lot of your fans?
I feel great about that! For me, “With Every Heartbeat” was one of those songs that just happened so naturally and the way it became a hit here in the UK was just through people requesting the song through radio and that very rarely happens these days, so it was quite special for me and Kleerup as well.
Can you tell us anything about the third album in this project?
NO! I can’t because I’m still working on it and I don’t know really what it’s going to be yet! I’m in the studio and I’m still writing and there are a couple songs finished, but I don’t know yet what’s gonna happen with them yet – if they are going to be good or if I’m gonna scrap them. I’m in the studio the rest of September and we’ll see after that! Every time I start writing again, it’s always fun and it’s always easy. What’s hard it just getting to the point where your inspired and balanced enough to focus on that. That happens when you’re on the road for five years promoting one album – you totally just lose all your inspiration – most of all you just don’t find the focus. That’s what’s different now about working this way, I’m not going to be away from the studio as long. I don’t think I’ll make three albums in one year again…but I think I will keep working in this format to keep the songwriting up – that’s the whole plan. As someone who has been releasing albums since I was sixteen – I feel this is now what’s working for me, not being away from the studio or touring for so long…
Any closing words for our EQ readers!
I’m just so happy you know about me and stuff! Thank you for your well-informed questions!