Long time readers of EQ will know that I am a massive fan of Doe Deere. We even named her our artist of the year a few years ago. Her "Supernatural" EP still remains one of my favourite electro/disco pop collections of all-time that I still talk about.
Over the past couple of years though, Doe Deere has launched a massively successful makeup and fashion blog called the Doe Deere Blogazine and has even launched her own makeup line called Lime Crime. Whilst in New York yesterday, I got to catch up with Doe Deere at SPACE.NK as she is launching Lime Crime internationally in all SPACE.NK retail outlets – she'll even be in London next week promoting her "so bright it's illegal" brand of lipsticks.
At the launch yesterday – I asked Doe if she is ever planning on doing more music and it's definitely not out of the question. She plans on getting in the studio again when she has a free minute or two – but right now Lime Crime is understandably taking up the majority of her time.
I'm so proud of her and her success as an entrepreneur, blogger and musician. She's one of those people that grabs life by the balls and makes her dreams come true and I think she's a fantastic role model for all young women with a blog and a dream.