Mandy Rogers

Watch “Little Black Book” by Puzzle

Puzzle’s keen interest in digital art forms and symbolic, imagery concepts comes into its own in the visually alluring “Little Black Book” video. Needless to say, we are hooked and you will be too, if you are electronic pop freaks like us!

Listen to “Summer Nights” by Cocovan

Allow us to make you aware of this. In the unleashing of Cocovan’s "Summer Nights" lyric video, she's found her own sweet and sassy way to get us appreciating the delicate beauty that a bunch of flowers possess.

Mandy Rogers

New Music Editor

Mandy has been a massive part of EQ Music ever since it's inception and has been featured in Music Week more than a few times. Mandy is our Music Editor and regularly discovers new artists and talent to be featured on EQ Music. When she's not being a mum, you can usually find Mandy online socializing with emerging musicians and other pop music lovers alike.