Listen to “A Driver Saved My Night” (Vevo Studio Performance) by Sigrid Mandy RogersMay 10, 2022 With her album "How To Let Go" Sigrid sets a new standard. The track "A Driver Saved My Night" is essential listening. Tracks 0
Listen to “It Gets Dark” by Sigrid Mandy RogersMarch 10, 2022 SIGRID! we cannot deny she takes things up a notch on "It Gets Dark". We had no idea she could be MORE like this. Go, Sigrid! Tracks 0
Watch “Head On Fire” by Griff and Sigrid Mandy RogersJanuary 20, 2022 Pop addicts will be happy to know the Griff and Sigrid much-teased collaboration "Head On Fire" is hotter than the sun. Music Videos 1
Listen to “Burning Bridges” by Sigrid Mandy RogersAugust 26, 2021 She stepped up again. The new Sigrid track "Burning Bridges" replaces heartbreak with dazzling disco feels. Addictive. Euphoric dance-pop. Tracks 0
Watch “Mirror” by Sigrid Mandy RogersMay 27, 2021 Pop with a sparkly allure: Norway's Sigrid new era starts with disco-ball shaped new single "Mirror." Put it on repeat for feel-good vibes Music Videos 1
Listen to “Sucker Punch” by Sigrid Mandy RogersOctober 5, 2018 Sigrid is coming for us again with new single "Sucker Punch." Her enchanting voice X the tracks dazzling chorus, just won't leave our head. Tracks 1